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Auto Air Vent,Auto Cooler,Car Cooler,Auto Fan
Auto Air Vent,Auto Cooler,Car Cooler,Auto Fan

Solar-powered automatic air vent for car eliminates getting into a stuffy car due to poor air circulation. as seen on tv

LTT3312 Auto Air VentProduct name: Auto cooler/Auto Air Vent

More auto cooler/Auto Air Vent availble, PLS visit our website.


Auto Air VentSolar-powered automatic air vent for car eliminates getting into a stuffy car due to poor air circulation. Vent removes hot air and replaces it with fresh, cool, circulated air. Keeps nasty odors from tobacco, pet and other odors at bay. Attaches to any car window in seconds. Solar powered cell eliminates need for batteries. Plastic, 6 x 4 1/2 x 2 1/2".

Quantity of container load: 980pcs/20' 2000pcs/40' 2350pcs/40HQ

Auto Air Vent,Auto Cooler,Car Cooler,Auto Fan

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