Introductions of dehydrating additives for oil tanks:
1. Dehydrating additives is mainly used for removing water from all kind of oil tanks, such as petroleum oil storage tanks, diesel oil tanks, etc. It could be also applied to wastewater treatment systems.
2. Usually there should be no water in the methanol gasoline. And if the water exceed the limitation, gasoline and methanol would be layered. And also gasoline with water would be quite dangerous during application. This additives is developed by our technicians for solving this problem.
Definitions of dehydrating additives for oil tanks:
Dehydrating additives is a kind of additives which could be used for separating water form gasoline. And after put this kind of additives into oil tanks, the water would be solidified. Thus you could pull out water easily.
How to apply it:
1. Take 1 kilogram dehydrating additives into cloth or fabric bag and bound the bag with a brick.
2. Then put it into the oil tank bottom, then you can get out of no less than 100 kilograms water from oil tanks, which means completely removing water mixed in fuels.
Applications of dehydrating additives for oil tanks:
The dehydrating additives could be used for removing water from oil tanks. It also could be applied for industrial wastewater treatment, oil refining and dehydrating industry.