The VAS5054A is a universal dignostic interface for the vehicles of the Volkswagen Group and all OBD vehicle systems.
The VAS5054A is a universal dignostic interface for the vehicles of the Volkswagen Group and all OBD vehicle systems.
The following vehicle bus systems are supported:K Line (ISO9141-2)High-speed CAN(ISO 11898-2)Low-speed CAN (ISO11898-3)J1850 (SAE J1850)The vehicle protocols are handled directly in the VAS5054A. This ensures fast response times and a reliable real-time behavior independently of the PC operation system.Every time a connection is established, the VAS5054A software is synchonized with the version installed on the application
( function(){ var aBigImageSrc = [ '' , '' ]; var oProductShow = new; oProductShow.init( { 'aImgSrc': aBigImageSrc } ); } )(); VAS5054A diagnostic tool for vw