calcium fluoride crystals ,di 300mm,
calcium fluoride crystals complete the application range of optical materials from VUV to IR with very good transmission ranging from 130 nm to 9 µm due to its
High projection optic quality High production volume High purity High laser durability High refractive index homogeneity Excellent UV transmittance Low stress birefringenceThe very high laser damage threshold of calcium fluoride crystals makes it the first choice material for:
Excimer laser optics Beam delivery Illumination systems operating at 45nm node Optical systems in lithography, astronomy, photography, HDTV zoom lenses, microscopy Sensors (especially IR-spectrum) Spectrometers Medical laserscalcium fluoride crystals is offered as component or blank with different crystal orientations (random or others on request) along with different surface qualities (raw, cut, ground or polished), depending on the individual requirements.
There is 100% control of internal quality, including examinations of stress birefringence, striae, bubbles and inclusions, scattering, laser durability and transmittance.
4N CaF2 crystal