Fractional laser machine can remove scars and remove winkles, rejuvenation skin, whiten and tender the skin, firm the pores
Fractional pixel laser machine
Treatment principles Pixel laser changes the firing pattern of light; every point sent out by the laser pulse is composed of hundreds of micro-laser pulses, spot size of each micro-laser only ten square nanometers, which can help the operator to control the skin treatment area more accurately. And can adjust the cure depth according to different patients, more effectively act on the target treatment area, such as epidermis and dermis. During the scanning therapy, the non-act on parts will diffuse the too much heat caused at the focus of micro-pulse, like a “bridge’ or “conveyor belt”, in order to avoid thermal injury. The solar and hot biochemical reactions promote the skin collagen regeneration, at the same time accelerated the skin natural healing process, the new, smooth and delicate skin rebirth after the cure part small scab sloughed off. Treat Parameters Wavelength 10600nm Laser Type Ultrapulse,Continued,Fractional Size of the Microscopic Spot 3×3mm2 Power 30W Penetration Depth 3 mm Macimum depth for every pulse Scope of Treatment for Every Shot 5-100% Whether has the cutting fuction Yes Whether has the polished function Yes Whole skin regenerates Yes Part of the skin regenerate Yes Treatment scope:
Large hair pores, rough skin, tender and whitening skin.
Eliminate fine wrinkles, birthmark,tighten skin and increase skin elasticity.
Remove superficial pigmented spot, increase skin elasticity and glossiness.
For the acne scars grinding, gravid grain improvement has great effect.
Especially suitable for light damage repair on face, neck, chest and hands
fractional laser machine for scar and wirnkles remove