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Multifunction Power Meter
Multifunction Power Meter

Measuring 3-phase current, voltage, active power, reactive power, kwh, harmonic, extreme value etc. With RS485 interface.

AccuracyEnergy measuring: active energy class 0.5; reactive energy class 1.0; transmission output class 0.5
DisplayLCD / 12-bit LED
Signal inputNetworkThree-phase four-wire V34 / Three-phase three-wire V33
VoltageRated valueAC380V / AC100V
OverloadContinuous 1.2 times; Instant: 2 times (10 seconds)
Power consumption< 1VA (per phase)
Impendance> 300 kΩ
CurrentRated valueAC5A / AC1A
OverloadContinuous 1.2 times; Instant: 2 times (10 seconds)
Power consumption< 0.4VA (per phase)
Impendance< 2 mΩ
EnergyBi-directional active/reactive energy measurement.
Power supplyWorking rangeAC/DC 85-264V
Power consumption< 5 VA
Function modulesEnergy pulsePassive optocoupler collector output
Communication interfaceOne-way RS485 communication interface; MODUBS-RTU communication protocol
Communication baud rate: 4800-9600, Parity mode N81
On-off inputPassive stem node input
On-off outputExcess limit alarm or remote relay output capacity 5A/250VAC, 5A/30VDC
Transmission output0-20mA / 4-20mA / 0-5V / 1-5V transmission output, programmable to set transmission items and corresponding output value.
Working condition-10~55°C; Relative humidity < 93%; Non-corrosive gas; Altitude < 2500M.
Storage condition-20~75°C; Relative humidity < 93%
SafetyInsulationSignal, power supply, output terminal resistant to case > 100MΩ
Dielectric strengthInput power supply > 2kV, input and output > 1kV, power supply and output > 2kV
DimensionsOutlineA: 72X72; 3: 80X80; 9: 96X96; 2: 120X120 mm
Cut-outA: 67X67; 3: 76X76; 9: 88X88 (or 91X91); 2: 108X108 (or 111X111) mm.

Multifunction Power Meter

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