1) load more quantities to save cost 2) easy to store 3) competitive price and good service 4) high quality
The Roll-pack packaging is based on rolling the complete spring system (even together with the frame if necessary) compressed, between strong paper sheets. With this packaging, the otherwise uneconomically transportable bonnell-springs become easy to store.
The Roll-pack packaging ensures easy handling. Due to the separating paper sheets, the springs do not stick together, and they can be stored in a cleaner manner. The rapid handling time per packed mattress ensures high packaging output, and as the SpringPack paper can be recovered the environment stands to gain too.
This method also improves packaging speed and workplace safety. It is cost-efficient and requires less space. It ensures efficient storage and smooth deliveries. Test SpringPack now and you'll discover that there is no better material available to keep spring mattresses firmly in place.
Roll Packed Bonnell Spring Units for Mattresses