Halogen rapid moisture meter chemical raw materials, grain, mineral, biological products, food, pharmaceutical raw material
Halogen moisture meter
Accurate moisture meter LSC - 60 halogen rapid moisture meter
Main usage
Moisture meter are widely used in industry, agriculture, laboratory. Some typical applications are: tobacco, paper, food, tea, corn, chemical, row materials, pharmaceutical raw materials and textile raw materials, etc. With high precision, reliable performance, installation, use the convenience etc
Weight range (g) minimum scale range data output
0-100 g 0.01% / 0.001 g 0.01% - 100% RS232
Heating temperature range content display
Halide lamp heating 50-200 moisture content, initial heavy, initial temperature, and ultimately weight, final temperature
Disk size quality recommend weighing range
Diameter: 110 mm 350 * 200 * 260 mm 7.5 Kg 1-10 g
Halogen rapid moisture tester Accurate moisture meter